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Very few recreational skiers or snowboarders wax their skis enough. 


Big deal you say? I don’t want to go fast anyway? Wrong on both counts! Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that wax isn't a key factor in ski performance. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that once a year is enough. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that waxing skis regularly is not an important part of ski maintenance. Waxing is important to you for multiple reasons.


Waxing makes skis glide more evenly and smoothly through the different types of snow we encounter on each run. You have all probably experienced the obvious sudden jolt of hitting a slush puddle, but did you consider that minor variations of this happen all the time on every run? Waxing minimizes this effect and makes us better skiers—and skiers who are having more fun! 


Waxing is also good for your skis' general health. 


Ski bases accept wax not just onto the surface of the base but into the base, which keeps it from drying out. Just as your skin dries and becomes chalky and flaky if it is too dry, so your ski your bases have the same needs. A base that gets too dry will develop furry feeling texture that makes it sticky and grabby on the snow. This makes it harder to ski well. 


This can be fixed, but it will cost you. A new wax job alone will not repair this damage. The ski must be stone ground to cut past the damaged surface. If left too long, the base can even dry out to the point where it can shrink and pull away from the edges, which allows moisture to seep into the ski's core the next time you ski. This can ruin your prized skis. 


"How often do I need to wax my skis?" is a good question with a tough answer.  You really need to wax every 1-10 ski days depending on snow conditions. Wet snow has a more abrasive structure that leads to more frequent wax needs. Fluffy dry powder snow may mean you do not have to wax for a dozen days or more. 


How can you tell if your skis need wax? 


The best tip is to get a good visual feel for your bases. A freshly waxed ski will have a rich deep black look. As wax dissipates, it will look less black and more dull and chalky. If it looks gray instead of black it should be waxed asap (areas near the edge usually show this first). If it looks very gray and has a light fuzzy texture instead of smooth, it is long overdue! 

Workshop Services

Full Tune Up

This includes:


Base Clean and Fill with PTex, Edging, Bevel, Hot Wax Preparator and Top Coats, Scrape and Polish


Skis  $65                    SnowBoards $65

Hot Waxing and Scrape

To ensure that you have the fastest way of making it down the mountain be sure to get your skis waxed on a regular basis.  Depending upon your skiing style this could be every couple of days but for the majority of people they will need doing every week that you ski.


Skis  $25                      Snowboards  $25

De Tune

Whether you need some burs removing or just need the tips and tails dulling down so that you dont dig them in this is an element usually forgotten by many.


Skis  $10                     Snowboards  $10

Base and Side Edging

Sharpen and Tune those edges ready to hit the slopes with graceful carves


Skis  $35                     Snowboards  $35

Base Fill

Whether you are a park skier or boarder who likes to hit the rails or just an aggressive skier or boarder there is a good chance that you will have base damage of some kind.  Even the smallest of grooves will have an effect upon your sliding abilities.


Skis From $10             Snowboards From $15

Binding Mount/ReMount

Have you got new skis or just new bindings?  Have you changed your riding style from Slope to park? Or are you heading off for an adventure in the Powder?  All of these will require different positioning on your skis call us for a chat and we will dial your new bindings in to suit your riding style.


                    ONLY FOR SKIS $35

Binding Adjustment

Have you changed your riding style lately, changed weight, grown????  All of these have great impact upon your DIN settings.  Often overlooked but perhaps the most important part of correct ski setup.  Avoid nasty falls/breakages by getting a checkup today.


                       ONLY FOR SKIS  $15

Summer Wax

Many people forget that Skis and Snowboards need to be stored correctly to avoid corrosion and damage to bases etc. We will happily prepare your skis for summer storage with a great coat of wax so that they are ready to be pulled out and scraped at the start of the new season.


Skis  $25                        Snowboards  $25

All Hot Waxes are completed using SWIX Universal Wax, If you require a specific wax for the location you are travelling to this can be added for an additional $10 per set of skis or board.

Most work completed in 24 hours except for busy periods.  Please check when dropping your equipment off when they will be available for pickup.  Please allow upto 72 hours during peak season times.


Please call for availablity for drop off times and days for your equipment


Although we attempt to change all details of the website as soon as they happen this is not always possible so please note that prices are subject to change.  Please call if you would like to check the latest prices.

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